An interesting facet of an artists life is getting into the groove of examining their experiences with art -- being able to put themselves outside of their own shoes to see exactly what they're doing, and alter it accordingly. Unfortunately, there comes a time when the exact opposite happens. Not only is there absolutely no motivation to even think about one's skills and projects, but the passion and spark is just absolutely dead. This isn't to say that their being an artist is thrown down the drain -- absolutely not. I'd rather call it 'emotional withdrawal'.
Since I do write this blog, the easiest way to explain this is through my eyes. In the past week or two, I have experienced a shift in my thought process regarding school and my artwork. Rather than work on assignments that I should finish soon, or study for tests that are coming up, I find myself becoming stubborn and striving for the absolute opposite. To add to it, I've become inwardly solemn, not very excited about much, and agitated with everyone and everything. Small instances turn into gigantic annoyances, and I close myself off to the world, away from everything and every responsibility.
It's a mechanism I am highly aware of, for I have been doing it for years. Yet, being aware of it is just that -- awareness. I will calmly state what appear to be my flaws, yet I don't do much to fix them. It's a complicated thing. Is it possible that one could be so confident in stating their flaws that they sound somewhat proud of them? Almost as if to insist that they don't want to change themselves. At least, that's how I see it with myself.
It's a sad thing when distractions take over your mind, because you get absolutely nothing done. But why? Why be so stubborn? Why insist on not doing any work?
Will it make the assignment go away? Will it possibly extend the due date? Will the project do itself?
It could be something entirely different. When in these moods, my mind snaps and says 'You can't tell me what to do, I tell me what to do, and if you don't like it, then you will have to get used to it.' Of course, such an attitude is poor while attending school.
In the end, it's apparent that this has nothing to do with art, but myself. I'm stubborn in rebelling to do my schoolwork because I want to do my own work -- and I cannot do my own work for school, for then my mind will classify it solely as 'schoolwork'. If only I could make this an art project.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
A passage in which I admit how stubborn I am by generalizing this feeling I am having with the fact that every artist feels this way at some point.
at: March 31, 2012 at 10:38 PM said...
A friend of mine, and fellow artist, was talking to me about "work" yesterday. About how she can get into the rut of "work" instead of.. "living" I guess. That things don't have to be not all about productivity, efficiency, or specified purpose. We've lost the explorer in us.. the wonder in life.. and replaced it with work.. with production.
We aren't machines, but we are told to act like them. Churning out work for the sake of work and for the sake of doing...
This isn't an answer to your post.. because I don't have an answer.. because I often feel the same way. But I guess its a response.. to let you know that you're not alone in feeling that way. And maybe you're onto something Tanya... this struggle many feel within the educational (and probably professional) system.
Listening to Eric today, I thought that maybe some people are not suited for the system we're in... Eric almost seemed like he was from a different planet (in a good way). Why the struggle for artists in our social/economic system? I'm thinking that our ways of working and thinking are just not in tune with "produce, produce, produce"... Our economy is based on efficiency.. and time is money. Well it takes a lot of time to think and produce as an artist. So.. its hard to fit in the system, right? I dunno.. I'm blabbing now.. lol.
You're awesome Tanya. One more year... we're gonna make it!
at: March 31, 2012 at 11:04 PM said...
I agree -- there is a clash with a lot of art students, and students in different majors, I'm sure -- with the educational system they're in. In fact, you've made me realize why I've been in such pain lately (that sounds dramatic, but it's an accurate way of describing it). There is a possibility that I've subconsciously realized that this is exactly what is being pushed upon me, the force that I must become a robot. Maybe I'm inwardly trying to fight it, and my response is through immature procrastination and a distant air ...
Either way, I glad to know I'm not alone in this, but at the same time I'm sad that I'm not alone in this. It's such a complicated and undesirable mood to be in. :(
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